Monday, September 29, 2008

The rise of man

This is about a Lucy's webside.

I relly dodn't know who is Lucy teacher when you tell me I'm very surprise,beacuse I didn't now so many history before,thanks to tell me now, I know history is fun isn't so defficult.

I learn about that Lucy is the eariy's like person's mammls.

And she live in 400,ooo years ago ,i can't believe it ,so long time before she is our Grand grand......FATHER.

This is about the frist tools in the earth.

they use the stone to make fire and they can get or lift the log, they are smart like us.this is what I learn on the website.

when I know it i relly can't believe the frist like person can make the fire they are really very smart ,I can say it.

this is about Richard leaky .
I skim this website .I learn about that he born in december19,1944 he has 3 sons.
he find the lucy and mary, I didn't now who is mary,richard leaky really find it, teacher can you tell me the really answer,and tell me the happened?