(the tools of spy)
what kind of godgets did spies in WW2 use?
they use some special and not noticeable,like there are some shoes to be a telpone, and has many diffrent kind.they also have a normal man shoes, but it has a knife in the heel. they also have some gun or knife at there camp or room.also, it has some women spies, but there tools as some are diffrent ,or it will be strange. what kind of codes were used in WW2 ?How were they broken?
German spies use some english letter and number to use, sometime they will mix it.
britsh has a computer is always brokeing the codes from German .they can easly to know what the spy is talking to there own country.
What was the eniqmd machine?
the enigma machine is ndelove by German they has make it after ww1 befoere ww2.why they want to make this machine?they want that there spy and codes won't so easly to give there enemy to broke it.this eniqmd machine is use to type the codes or some secrect things to use.