Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rich and Nobles of ancient Rome

[1] [2]
I went in this webside it is talking about rich men and women's clothes.
[1] is men's cloth,[2] is womens.
this is just rich people's cloth ,isn't poor peoples.
at rome rich people is more high, poor people is very low.
child's cloth is like adult cloths, just it is short.
their subdue is very strange.

I went in this webside , I didn't see any pitcure .
at rome didn't have many very rich people.
but if he really is rich ,he will make is dinner very fancy.
they will also call some friend come to it.

I went in rthis webside ,I saw this pitcure.
this webside is about the:Patricians
Patricians is the aristocrat inside the highest one.
thre child's bed room are lurge, and many toys.
Patricians their home have many severnts.
many Patricians live in the middle of rome.

pitcure1:man cloths.
pitcure2:women cloths.
pitcure3:food in rome.