Sunday, September 27, 2009

Theravada and Mahayana
I went in this webside I search it around.
I learned some about Mahayana's characteristic place is :
mahayana is 18 faction inside's bigest part.
I went in this webside and I find this webside in the Google in english, this webside didn't have any pitcures on it.
I also learned some characteristic , and some diffrent of Mahayana and Theravada:
theravada is also a big faction, it is the 2 big faction inside's number 2, is smallest them mahayana.
1.Mahayana belive many god s; Theravada belive that it just 1 god is Buddha.
2.Theravada is always say do your self ;Mahayana is say togeter, we maybe is Mahayana .