Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reptiles / Dinosaurs / Dinosaur extinction


Green Sea Turtle reptiles
This website isn't difficult ,it is about reptilian it has many animals,they tell us how to feed pet.
I learn that Green Sea Turtle more are in u.s.'s sea.
It have fun games.
At my house, we have a turtle ,it is Oliver's ,but always are my father to change the water.


This webside is a little diffcalt .
Oliver likes this kind of dinosaurs ,I remmber you gave him a Tryserahtops toy,at home we have a book about tryserahtops book i like it very much.

Dinosaur extinction
I skim this webside , i has a little didn't belive it.
I learn about that the said it is a big star crass in the earth , but Ithink that is many vocanle and the fire want out and the dinosaur.

1:this bis aturtle.

2:thatis a Tryserahtops .

3:a star crass in to the earth.


Cindy said...

your tortoise like one move.

Savant English School said...

Much better work Judy! You are improving your blogging skills. This is a good post. You are understanding what I want you to do. Let's keep improving and get five happy faces every week!