Wednesday, October 22, 2008

homo erectus

I read all this webside ,I sawn some cool pictuer, it like a book.

I learn about the homo erectus live in africa .and the woman in that time like to gather near in there house.

I skim this webside it have many facts, but it don't have any picture.

I thoutht this a little diffculeet, because I use Danny's webside.

But I still anderstand many . I skim this website.

I learn about the homo eretus is live in 1.6 illons year ago.

I skim this webside ,becus it is to long.
This webside is really difcuellt,but I still anderstand a little.
I saw a part it is diffrent then the last webside ,it say Homo Erectus live in 1.8 millons years ago , witch wone is writh?
picutre1:that is a book about Homo Erectus .
picutre2:that is a Homo Erectus 's bone.
I think this yime's home work is not fun, it's diffculet.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Better than before. Good work. You kept going even though it wasn't fun as well :) Homo Erectus is still an interesting species and topic.