Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is a tallk in 2006.
I found this tallk by the list .
This tallk say that we need to pract anmials we can't hart team.
This pearot kniw how to sing , and see some sounds and simply worlds, This is imposible ,beacuse that there sound more like us and they can see holle to every anmill.
and you know what he say he is a super star, it is so fun .

Nummber 2 webside is about folding .
this talk is teach us that when we floding we don't need need to cut.
He say that the flod is about math.
He say if you are not so crazy,you can flod 100 flod ,like : fish, if you are crazy ,like snake ,beacuse you need to flod more then 1000 flod.
I learn that whem we flod , we don't need to cut.

nummber 3 talk is about anmil is about apes or austrabprthecitens .
she say that apes and austrabprthecitens are all famons.
I learned about that the we need to protect anmills, so anmill will not so fast extient.
picture 1:that is the pearot who know how to sing.
picutre 2:that is a flod snake,it didn't cut.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Good job Judy! That's two weeks in a row. I'm glad you enjoyed the TED site. Go back when you have some free time. It really is a cool site!