Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The beginning of Agriculture

This is a webside about some easy history.
I see 3 books in the butom, it all sell in Amazon.
It is about this : when they start to farming all famliy will plant togeter.but, when more long time of framming the y began last last pepole farmming ,but still have some pepole framming know.and we will buy it.
this is what I learned in this webside.
I like this webside a lot.

and this webside is about Mesopotamians.
it say that 1hour 60 miuntie 1miuntie 60 second.
this is Mesopotamians's diecide.
they said that they live in 2 river 's midle ,and it write this grop ovf pepole in Mesopotamians is not there born place they move there.

this webside is about the plants they plaznt.
it say they plant vegtlbes , cucumbers, onions, apples......
and they like to eat fish, cheese, eggs, roasted duck, pork......
It is not a good webside ,the story is short and didn't have so many thing about history.
but is have some hoppy,and habbit.

picture1:1 book in Amazn.
picrture2: Mesopotamians in the map.
picture3:framming tools.


Savant English School said...

Not only is it done ON TIME, but you didn't do a bad job at all!! Good work this time. You did everything you were supposed to. you're becoming a better blogger as time goes on.

JUDY said...

thank you teacher!!!!!!